Trend Alert: Prep-Chic

For most of you, school days are over… I remember the days of dressing up my uniforms wearing
my skirts a couple inches shorter, tighter shirts, wearing accessories even though they weren’t appropriate and were against the school rules. I lived for giving my uniforms a sassy twist.Glad these
days are over and I can do absolutely anything in the name of fashion to become the utimate prepstar! Yes! thats without a trip to the principals officie. Creating this simple/classy/quirky look is easier than you’d think. Channel your inner stylist and choose daring colors and patterns that compliment each other. Vintage inspired blazers/ sweaters and caridigans will also put the edge to your look. Never forget to accessorise! Sunglasses, Bracelets, or a Handbag will finish the look…. For more inspiration watch Gossip Girls and pay close attention to fashionistas like Angela Simmons and Taylor Swift…..

Are you inspired by Ang and Taylor’s outfits??? The Chic Report has something that will help you acquire the look! In no time you will be PREPPY! CHIC and SEXY!!!


